
Rodomi įrašai su etikete „iptables

Configuring a NixOS firewall for everyday use

    Introduction In today's digital age, securing your computer system is more important than ever. One of the foundational steps in this process is configuring a firewall. Firewalls act as the gatekeepers between your computer and the vast internet, controlling which traffic can pass through. If you're using NixOS, a unique Linux distribution known for its declarative configuration, setting up a firewall can be done efficiently and with precision. In this post, we'll walk through a simple yet effective firewall configuration using iptables on NixOS. The Firewall Configuration Below is a snippet of a NixOS configuration that enables and configures a firewall using iptables , a powerful and flexible firewall utility. Šiame blogo įraše aptariame, kaip sukonfigūruoti ugniasienę NixOS operacinėje sistemoje naudojant iptables . Ugniasienė leidžia apsaugoti kompiuterį kontroliuojant srautą tarp jūsų sistemos ir interneto. Pateikėme konfigūracijos pavyzdį, kuriame atveriami tik bū...